domenica 21 aprile 2024

I'm not saying stop consuming, I am saying stop wasting, time, materials, food, families, your life. Mend them back to original, or better.

Thorn out socks you sew them, around a light bulb as support.

Learn to fix, remediate, repair, adjust, sewing, gluing, welding, threading, seeding and planting.
Not that there is no money to buy new ones, most of them are dirty cheap anyway.
But because like today you bin the worn socks instead of fixing them.
Tomorrow you bin the underwear for same reason.
Day after tomorrow you bin a shirt instead of repairing it.
Or the laptop, or the phone because.. out of fashion in 5 months from new.
Next week you don't like the beans you wife cooked so you divorce her and get a new one.
In a month you get fed with the kids that disobey and don't do their homework as told and when told to, so you give them away to an orphanage and get some new ones, more to your taste.

The Consumption Society, if you get fed with the wife, kids, car, phone, socks, house, you bin it and replace it with a new and improved version, more in fashion.

Ain't that Biblical?
Dignifying and elegant life does not mean
- new things to wear and use
- famous brands
- with nice big logo
- because trendy now

Dignifying and elegant life means:
- made by yourself
- by your hands or somebody you know
- fixed if was broken
- adjusted if it needed, marriage included
- sewed in place if worn
- made better when possible
- permanently maintained by personal care
- kept alive with love
Works for the family too, that is what it means living with dignity, elegant and biblical.

And this is why Africa as a continent is poor. Their own fault.

The big problem of the people in Africa is they want to have everything white people (or Chinese or Japanese people or South Americans) have without inventing it themselves, wihtout creating it themselves, just like that, pof... the genie of the lamp made it happen for you.

They want cars; Mercedes, Toyota, Chrisler, etc, invented bit by bit, piece by piece, including the technology to make them, during over 4000 years of slow but steady progress in science of metals, design, plastics, thermodynamics by; Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, etc, but without taking part in the effort of creating those technologies, without getting their hands dirty into designing, understanding, making.

I saw absurdly smart African geniuses aged 10 to 60 years old taking apart European technologies, fixing them without instructions, modifying them without instructions, using American, European, Asian tools like welding machines, milling machines, drilling machines, cement, lime, whatever, without schooling and without having instructors, so they are not stupid:
but the culture is stupid, preventing those geniuses to grow and give back technlogy, them worked in absurdly improper conditions on a dusty flor of dried mud contaminating the parts with dust from just walking around, because nobody explained them the damage they do to the technology by not keeping the tools clean inside out.

And what the rich Africans do?

Buy ready made in Europe and shit on the local geniuses, disconsider them, piss on their head, hire bodyguards to beat them at the end of a job instead of paying them, robing them of their work.

No way the African culture can achieve any progress like that, ever.

You must change the culture, you want to have European and American advantages, stop buying them ready made, treat your local geniuses well, pay them, repect them, send them to teach eachother, make your own univeristies, not for the rich, but for the geniuses that can bring you progress at the same level with us, because this is how we do it.

Taking US or France or Belgium or Dutch or UK bribes to keep your nations in slavery and steal your nations wealth is not going to achieve that, sending your youth to schools in Europe is a waste since they know that returning in Africa for them it means losing status, so they stay here and the countries that you send them into are harvesting their geniality for a profit while Africa loses them, their geniality, and it's own future.

Change the way you approach the African poor people, treat them like the geniuses they are, and in return you will lift Africa to European levels of civilisation (which is far from perfection, but for now is the best we have, everybody copied it, US, The Americas, Asia, Australia, because for now there is no better, but they copied the right thing: schools and respect for brainiacs even if poor, and in donating to poor geniuses money for schooling, tools, studies and travel to meet other geniuses to exchange know how)

sabato 20 aprile 2024

CO2 is bad, nope CO2 is good, OK, forget Greta, let's talk to real scientists..

Anda Andrei
Graph with the level of temperature and CO2 in different geological eras.
It is observed that there were periods with low levels of CO2, but high temperatures, but also with high levels of CO2, and very low temperatures.
There is NO causal link between the level of carbon dioxide and the temperature of the planet.

Pop Emil:
At the moment the planet suffers from a lack of CO2 close to the level of plant extinction, and we are following them.
The level of CO2 must be almost doubled to have jungles again in the current deserts.

Anda Andrei: Pop Emil - Correct, and I'll explain why, for those who don't know.

A high level of CO2 is really favorable for plants and helps them survive in arid conditions much better.

On the surface of the leaves there are some pores/stomata, which are open to absorb atmospheric air with CO2 in it. If the level of atmospheric CO2 is low, the pores must stay open longer, which also leads to the evaporation of water from the plants.

Plants need more water if the CO2 level in the air is low.

But if the CO2 level is higher, then the plants can close their pores faster, which means that they will not lose so much water from inside them and will need less water, so they will survive in arid conditions.

A higher amount of CO2 helps to plant desert areas more easily and to shrink these areas.

Pop Emil:
Anda Andrei, well, you're a candidate for my blog, and I'm going to hit the Greta brats and break their noses with your partecipation...

venerdì 19 aprile 2024

Yes things change but the basics are always useful...

Things never change but for the fools, they just evolve untill fools think is something new, but it is not, just an eveolution of whatever already existed, maybe more complex, maybe more complicated to analise, but still basically same thing recombined and remasterd.

I took a one years nights course in electronics when I was like 16 and studied all those things to can fix colour TV sets and computers, but is long time I have not used them; at the time computers still had visible resistors and capacitors in them... lol

That happened in the past millenium, mind yo how old am I.

Vacuum tubes electronics are more or less over, semiconductor transistors were invented not so long time afterwards.

Still some projects cannot do without them, including at CERN and vacuum tubes had transistors, diodes, etc.

The thing was moving to semiconductor materials from vacuum tubes but the basiscs remained, resistors, capacitors, diodas, transistors.

The problme that arised was the smaller the component the less room was available for markings like value, tollerance, etc. So they came up with the colour code.

Today witht he hyper miniaturisation when a chip the size of my fingernail and similar thickness has millions of this components inside, not even colour code works anymore, let alone repairing the chip for a fried transistor by replacing it, now you toss the whole chip and put a new one instead.

giovedì 11 aprile 2024

The Theory of Absurd.

The problem no phsicist could ever solve is to find a meaningfull corelation between what Newton tought universe is made of and running on, and his invention, Gravity, that nobody could comprehend, explain or determine, but they managed to calculate it's effect on Earth and the living beings, with the Theory of Relativity proposed by Einstein where time, and space, and by consequence gravity, are realtive to... some arbitrary measure you pick up at will, and you can change your mind anytime you want and pick another one, and latter on with Quantum Phisics, that Eisntein knew about and never made anything of it till the last breath he took.

Other scientists latter on tried their hand at this, unifying the theories and hoping to find common grounds to determine a formula that would comprehend and reveal everything as a single science, and failed miserably, I will mention a few here like Neil de Grease Tyson or Michio Kaku, but the list is far longer.

I looked into their attemps and seem to have found some logical reason: ignorance. They all choose to ignore things that were not comfortable for them to work with, such as... reality.

One thing they ignored is the Atom compostion,they got stuck to Electrons spinning around Nucelus (not true, not happening in reality) where said Nucleus is made of Protons and Neutrons that stick together by Superglue they cold not explain or replicate and latter dubbed "weak forces", who'se forces?

The real reason is they ignored one magic component, the Morons, they are not at sub atomic levels,they are in the Academy, occupying every 6 seats out of 3 available, same like in the Corporations, Banking, Government, Medicine or Education.

The Morons make a living out of not findingt them answers, the reasearch is their daily bread, and not finding the answers by shunning down and kicking out whomsoever could find them is how they put butter on their bread.

Because if answers are found, research is over, and so are the money.

And so is born the Scientific Consesus, a dogma that states the Science is anyting the money making group say it is; as long as the money comes, to keep the status quo unchanged, unquestioned, unchallenged.

Wosoever dares questioning the Science (well... this is real Science, questioning everything, especially the Established Science and Scientific Consensus in the first place) is to be eliminated from the Academia for edangering their income, and eventualy elimianted form life too, but discretly.

And this is how we got the Absurd to reign in our lifes, with Scientific Academic and Political support backed up by big money provided by Banking system and Corporatons that all have the same common goal, not finding the answers, or their money dries up.

lunedì 8 aprile 2024

A comedian is allowed to say painful truths as a joke.

A comedian used to say that progress should of being stopped in the 90'es.

Life in the 70s and 80s in the Western Europe and NATO countries was the height of contemporary civilization.

Eastern Europe and China/Asian countries entered the spot on moment, when it was over and the civilisation was about to die in lack of resources, including fresh blood.

We had no idea that it would take another 2 or 3 decades for the dead body of the Western Civilisation to stay afloat by eating up the East alive.

Now they have consumed it to the bones, Eastern Europe is dry and dead like the west, Asia is about to succombe, China fights back but to stay alive they must break appart form the Parasitary Western Civilisation, and they do so aligning themselves to BRICS group.

With the Bear it seems that the Wstern World is chocking up, they tried to dry them up and the damn Russinas fought back, they would not let themselves be termianted alive so that Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Bruxelles, Etc., can survive.

A new world order is coming up, the BRICS pact is our new slavery based society.

Wen the Western World Civilisation Group will die, not without a big fight mind you, leaving all of us at the mercy of Moskow and Beijing, and trust me, from the little I know from history in the past 200 years or so, they have no mercy, at all.